Pregnancy: 25 weeks

We got to take a little vacation to Florida around the 22-23 week mark (some might call it a Babymoon).  It was really great to get away and relax before chaos ensues!


Concerns: My biggest concern is my weight gain.  I was a little concerned about gaining too much weight (I think every girl is..).  I asked the doctor last visit and he said I’m right on track. I would say I’ve gained about 18 pounds. I’m hoping I will not get over 30 pounds, but I’m going to let my body do what it needs to and make sure I’m eating as healthy as I can.

Side effects:  Not too many new side effects to report.  A couple days shy of 22 weeks I got my first bout of heart burn. It isn’t horrible but in the evenings for several days I was feeling it some… Good news though– I haven’t had heartburn since I started the #wholefoodsreset!

Cravings:  I am still craving grapefruit and kiwis and eat at least one of each a day.  I also have been loving granny smith apples —anything sour, tart, or citrusy tastes SO good!  I started a #wholefoodsreset over a week ago and am definitely eating a ton more vegetables and fruits and good proteins.  This is helping me stay regular (sorry, TMI, but its a legit concern during pregnancy). I also get full faster and can’t eat as much in one sitting, and if I try, I pay for it.  Hello side cramp!  There must be less room in there!

Size:  My belly continues to grow! 


Clothes:    I’m wearing the same skinny jeans (they feel like stretch pants), maroon cords, black maternity pants (for work), and leggings that I have been wearing the past few months. I don’t really need much more. I did get a long black maxi dress and a pair of comfortable capri pants at Old Navy right before Florida and am excited to wear them this spring.  I have a lot of clothes (given to me) stashed away for when I get bigger or for spring, but so far, I really haven’t worn too many of the donated clothes. I invested in a few pieces that I like, and have definitely been wearing these things on repeat (long sleeved cotton t-shirts, old navy v-neck t-shirts, and target tanks).   I really need a new bra, but I am just dreading the shopping.

Exercise: I’ve continued to stick with walking and yoga, although thanks to vacation my scheduled exercise was a little less frequent.  We did walk and walk in Florida, so I feel like I got enough activity most days.  I did get to do a little yoga on the beach in Florida–so lovely!


Sleep: I’ve been sleeping well.  We definitely rested and relaxed more in Florida–we needed that vacation! I have been listening to my body and choosing to sleep in some mornings instead of get up for exercise, especially if I’ve been busy or working all week (like last week).

Mood:  I’m in pretty good spirits right now.  I do think my better food choices have a big influence on my moods, I am much more motivated to get things done around the house and also a bit less irritable. It could be all the Vitamin D I got in FL too.  I will never know if it was one or the other, or both, or even something different, but I’ll take it!

Overall feelings:  I have been able to feel the baby kick for several weeks, and somedays it is so active!  Dave felt it move the other day too–its starting to become a reality.  I am getting excited to meet the baby, and really excited to find out if we will have a little boy or girl join our family.  I’m also a bit nervous, as there are so many unknowns and uncertainties…like how are we going to manage the nursery and a newborn?  I’m also feeling the push to get on the preparations…like buying a crib (where do you do that?!) and maybe registering for baby stuff (I don’t even know what I’ll need!).

Baby Names:  Our baby has acquired some nicknames:  Little Hopper, Sweet Baby, and Captain Gil (don’t ask…)

We’ve had names picked out since before we were pregnant and so far those names have not changed, except we’re still debating on the middle name if its a girl…which Dave has a feeling it is.  I can’t say that I have strong feelings either way, but my 3 year old niece Emily seems to know.  She walked right up to my belly and asked sweetly, “Can I see her?” *heart melt* Kate, my 5 year old niece, thinks its a girl too, and hopes we name it Rachel.  And Emily wants a baby girl cousin named Joseph. Go figure.


Reflections on 17 weeks of Pregnancy

I found out I was pregnant on Oct 4.


IMG_5567I made it through the first trimester, and so far have learned a lot.  Mostly, stop comparing. Everyone is different, every pregnancy is different.

It’s so easy to fall into the comparison trap (with pretty much anything in life), but especially pregnancy.  This is my first time carrying a healthy baby past the first trimester.  So I’m unsure. And insecure. Am I supposed to be this tired? Why am I constipated? Is it normal to have dandruff?

But I’m trying to be as relaxed as possible, go with the flow, and let my body and mind take me on this crazy journey.

Concerns:  I’m not sure if its reassuring or scary to read about other’s experiences with pregnancy.  I am definitely trying to limit the amount of information I take in, but I have a read a few things that make me feel better.  I have concerns about gaining too much weight, not eating the right foods, eating too much sugar and getting gestational diabetes…the list goes on.

Side effects:  I feel very fortunate I have not been sick.   I have, however, had a few side effects that aren’t so fun:  backne, dandruff, constipation, very dry skin, and a bloody nose to name a few.


First bump pic

Size:  I am no longer fitting in my pants (its been a few weeks for that), so I wear a lot of leggings and dresses.  I need to get a few more maternity pants that are my style, but am so grateful for the maternity clothes donated by a few of my friends.  Last time I stepped on a scale I think my total weight gain was around 8 lbs, but I’m not 100% sure of that (I didn’t have a great starting weight).  I do have a bit of a belly, but don’t really feel like it looks like a baby belly yet.

Cravings:  I have been eating a lot of stuff I don’t normally eat, especially during the first trimester, when vegetables DID NOT sound good AT ALL.  I have had macaroni and cheese, hamburger helper, peanut butter sandwiches, and lots and lots of carbs (yikes!).  Now I crave anything citrus.  I’ve been eating a lot of grapefruit, kiwi, oranges, lime popsicles, and sweet tarts (oops.) I have been pretty lenient about treats and unhealthy food, and definitely think I have probably added a few extra pounds that are unnecessary.  But vegetables are starting to taste better and I’m definitely eating better meals now (just need to cut back on the sugar and treats!).

Exercise:  The first 12 weeks, I didn’t want to exercises at all. I didn’t have the energy.  But since I hit 14 weeks, I have been walking on my treadmill, trying to get a daily walk in, but probably average 4-5 times/week.  Over the holidays it might have been a bit less.  I have still been going to yoga 1-2 times/week and try to stretch after my walks a few times/week.  I keep telling myself I should add a quick strength program in with weights but just haven’t gotten around to it.  I might order a prenatal exercise dvd, especially when/if I start showing more, and yoga or the traditional exercises I know to do get a little harder.

Sleep:  I love to sleep.  During the first trimester, I definitely took it easy, in fact, I watched a ton of tv and didn’t move from the couch for hours. I felt very unproductive, and maybe even a little depressed, but just kept telling myself I needed the rest.  And I slept a lot.  I thankfully am out of that funk, and have been sleeping 7-9 hours at night and occasionally getting up to pee in the middle of the night.  I believe all the sleep has kept me healthy.

Mood:  As mentioned above the first trimester was rough.  I felt very down, sort of depressed. I feel better now, but find myself irritable at times (thank you hormones) but much better. I am worried about post partum depression, but am grateful that the baby will come in June, when the days are long and there will be lots of vit D from the sun to soak up.

Overall feelings:  I’m nervous. Our lives are going to change forever. For the good of course, but its scary. I am starting to “nest” and did some purging the other night. I have more I would like to get rid of and Dave and I have started in on house projects.  We have to paint the nursery and lay the floor.  We will get most of the baby’s stuff from my sister (like the crib), but will probably buy a recliner or rocker (either for the nursery or for the living room, or possibly 2).


I am continuously blown away at what my body is doing right now.  I can’t even grasp the fact that it is growing a human.  It’s nuts. But so cool.

A day well spent.

I spent the day yesterday with my nieces.

We made birthday cards for Grandma.


Played at East Park all morning.


Rode the merry-go-round.

Went down the slide….a lot…IMG_3169 IMG_3170

Picked flowers we weren’t supposed to.IMG_3171

Posed for pictures.IMG_3172 IMG_3173

And had lunch with Uncle Dave. Whew!IMG_3177