Update: #wholefoodsreset

Last Sunday I started the #wholefoodsreset to get back on track with my eating (sugar cravings were out of control).  Here are my thoughts on the first week…


I think whole foods are so pretty!

I have been posting pictures of my food on instagram and tagging #wholefoodsreset and have been amazed at the response I’ve gotten.  My ego tells me that no one wants to see what I’m eating, and that its annoying to post pics of your food, but I’ve gotten comments and inspiration from people by doing this.  My high school friend Jamie is joining me (follow her on instagram: @thekitchenarium) and visit her blog Jamie’s recipes!  She is inspiring me to branch out with my cooking and meal prep (she’s a great cook–at least her food looks amazing… I guess I’ve never tasted it before-ha!).   A few other friends and family have reached out saying they would like to do the something similar, but are needing some motivation to get started.  Just reaching these few people is incentive enough to keep posting annoying food pics. 🙂 It definitely holds me accountable knowing I’ve got people watching me.


The cooking part of the #wholefoodsreset has been easy for me. I’ve done a #whole30 a few times before.  This time around I’m being even less strict, which I think is my saving grace.

Food prep is key.  I made this delicious frittata on Sunday, and boom, a filling breakfast is served for the next couple days. I also shredded up carrots, and cut up broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage to make a coleslaw (without the dressing) and we used that all week in salads, stir frys, egg salad, and other concoctions.


So far, I am feeling better (maybe its all in my head, but does that matter?).  I have more energy and more motivation to do things around the house.

I still crave sweet in the afternoons (Friday afternoon was the worst), but I have just been reaching for a healthy snack, like an apple, kiwi, or grapefruit to fill this urge.  Eventually I would like to not have to have anything sweet, but for now, baby steps.

IMG_6321I’ve been more regular and stay full longer between meals.   I’ve had a few temptations: donuts, candy, hot tamales, but really I haven’t had a hard time saying no.  We are going out to eat tonight at Cancun (Mexican).  I have already decided I will skip the chips, and order the fajitas (and have a few beans and rice with it).

Its weird, but I almost think this #wholefoodsreset is easier to do while pregnant.  I have more incentive to choose healthier foods and I’m not drinking alcohol (a glass of wine or margarita was hard to resist during my other challenges).  I’m finishing up Day 6 of 21 ..already planning my meal prep for next week.  Preparation and planning are key.

Are you interested in doing a #wholefoodsreset or something similar?  Let me know if you need help getting started!

I also recommend the book It Starts with Food if you’re wanting to learn more about the #whole30 and eating more whole foods!


How blogs changed my life.

Several years ago, via Facebook I started following Kelsey (a friend of my cousin’s) at Snappy Casual and her adventures with the 3o for 30 challenge. Wear only 30 items in your closet for 30 days.  I followed along with Kelsey and a lot of other bloggers for quite some time which lead me to lots of other blogs on the internet (this was before pinterest got HUGE).  Before that, I had only heard about blogs in passing, but had never really checked any out, or thought they could change my life.  Over time, though, blogs have changed my life in ways I never thought possible.

1.  Financial security:  I have followed along with Kelsey and her husband Eric on how they became debt free based on the concepts by Dave Ramsey.  It inspired me to do the same.  Two years later, I’m debt free and I know because of this when the opportunity arose to purchase my husband’s family business it was a no brainer.  We were financially set to take on that kind of responsibility.

2.  Healthy eating: I read What I Wore  daily, and a year and a half ago, she wrote about a Whole 30 challenge she did.   I purchased the book It Starts with Food and did my own Whole 30 challenge.  I now view food completely different and feel like I am able to make healthy choices without being fooled by food marketing and manufacturers (there’s a lot of junk in our food).

3.  Organization and purging stuff:  Such blogs as  IHeartOrganizing have inspired me to clean things in my house I never would have thought to clean. And doing the 30 x 30 remix by Kendi Everyday taught me I don’t need all those clothes in my closet.  Over time, I have decreased the amount of clothes I buy and have gone several months at a time without shopping.  I LOVE to swap clothes and accessories with my friends and sister…its a great way to get new stuff for free. And I’ve found without even trying I’ve inspired people in my life to life simply as well.

4.  Living Life with Intention:  I read Jess Lively’s blog and find her to be a huge inspiration.  She now has a podcast as well. What I have learned from her is to make each day count.  Each day, do something to make a small step to achieve what you want.  I felt so stuck in my full time job, and didn’t think it would be possible for me to do anything different.  But 3 years later, here I am working when I want, and diving into small business ownership with my best friend. Kinda crazy, but way cool.

Each of the women (and men) behind these blogs have touched my life in a way most will never know.  Because I have been touched and changed, I want to put myself out there, in hopes I can touch or change someone else’s life.

So, its doubtful that any of the above mentioned people will ever read this post, but I will just throw it out into the universe and say

IMG_4593Thank you.

And keep doing what you do.  Because its working.




Day 3

It’s Day 3 and so far so good.

Some thoughts so far:

1. The trusty ‘ole sweet potato, broccoli, onion, and bacon skillet with 2 eggs over easy for breakfast is a win!  Seems to fill me up until past lunch time.

2. I approve of the new flavors of Larabars that I tried: snickerdoodle and pumpkin pie spice. Both delicious. But I don’t plan on making it a habit to eat those for meals because they are really high in sugar and I am trying to keep my nut intake in check.  And they are pretty expensive. (I have made my own and they were delicious–might have to do that later in the challenge).

3. I feel exhausted. I think its a combination of things (my time of the month, stress of moving, not great sleep last weekend, and cutting out sugars/detoxing from crap food).  All I want to do is sleep.

4. I don’t want to admit it, but I think I need to cut out coffee for a bit too. It makes me have to go to the bathroom. And not in a good way. Makes me sad because I am really loving my pumpkin pie spice coconut milk creamer that I made. Might try a day or 2 without coffee and see how I feel. I think it may help me sleep a little better too.

5. I really have not felt hungry during this challenge. I am getting enough to eat at mealtimes, and I am not feeling like I need to eat again until the next meal. (I do want to snack, but I am resisting the urge and trying to listen to my body).

6. This seems too easy. I’m just waiting for that moment where I am presented with chocolate, or better yet a chocolate martini. That will be the true test.

7. I need get back in an exercise routine. I have been really slack, a lot of it because I feel exhausted. But I really do feel so much better if I get outside and walk or do a little yoga, even for 10 minutes.  I am going to make this a priority in the next week, I think it might help with my quality of sleep.

8. Thank you Melissa for doing the challenge with me and letting me text you 40 times a day about what I’m eating and how I’m feeling.  The support definitely makes it easier.


Day 1

I spent about 2 1/2 hours in the kitchen this morning prepping for this whole 30 challenge. I am more than ready.



And after: IMG_3822Meal plan for the week:  Stir fry, chicken and vegetable soup, pork loins with roasted brussel sprouts, salmon cakes with roasted carrots/sweetpotatoes, salads for lunch, and boiled eggs, bacon, veggies, apples, or olives for a snack.

I made some of my own coffee creamer tonight…and it is yum. Cannot wait to make a pumpkin pie latte in the morning.




Pit 8-10 medjool dates and cut them up. Pour a cup of boiling water over them, and let sit for 15 minutes. Then blend the crap out of them in your high powered blender.  Next add 1 c coconut milk, 3 TBSP pumpkin puree, a bit of pumpkin pie spice and a dash of vanilla. Blend again.



Yep. I’m “that girl” that takes pictures of her food. So what? My first meal of the whole 30 was delicious and kept me full from 10:30 to 3:30. Not bad.


I’m off to bed soon so I can wake up to eat the delicious food I prepared. Is that weird?!?




Tomorrow is the big day, the start of the Whole 30 challenge. I definitely whooped it up this weekend with lots of booze and tailgating snacks, so my body is probably more than ready for a restart.

Here’s a quick review on what the Whole 30 challenge actually is.

Whole foods for 30 days. No alcohol, legumes, dairy, wheat, or processed foods for 30 days.

Meals are based on a protein, veggies, and a healthy fat.

I was trying to locate the guides I used on the first whole 30 challenge, but I was having some difficulty navigating the Whole 30 website.  I am going to put my most used resources in this post so I can easily access them when I need them.

Want a whole bunch of resources on paleo?  Click Here. 

I listen to 2 paleo podcasts on a weekly basis.  They give me a lot more understanding about paleo and why its healthy for your body.  Robb Wolfe and Balanced Bites.  And just a bonus, I never miss Jillian Michaels’ podcast either.

This is the down low on the program.

Here’s a link to the free pdf downloads.  The 2 most important downloads that I used were the shopping guide and meal planning template.

If you’re wondering if you can eat a certain food, start here.  You can also read the forum or ask a question yourself.

I have my shopping guide and meal planning template already printed out to take to the grocery store next time.

I did grocery shop on Friday and plan to do some prep work tomorrow morning. I’m ready…Let’s do this.